
Setting Default Values

Defaulting values is a typical part of data ingestion and processing within SQL. Handling NULL values can cause issues in a number of ways so there are time when we want to get these out of our data. Recently I had a question about setting default values for a field which was being processed as […]


Using Regular Expressions in SQL Server

After being around SQL Server for the last 15 years I was surprised recently to see an example of Regular Expression (RegEx) syntax being used within a SQL query and knew it was something I wanted to try out for myself. What are Regular Expressions? If you haven’t head of them before, Regular Expressions are […]

SQL Server T-SQL Tuesday

T-SQL Tuesday #147 – Upgrade Strategies

This month’s invitation from Steve is asking about strategies for upgrades with SQL Server. We might be more familiar with patching a SQL environment semi-regularly – and those processes may be tried and trusted – however its much rarer that we have the opportunity to uplift an entire environment to a later version. Here’s a […]


Using Schemas in SQL Server

Schemas within SQL server allow for logical separation of data within a single database. A schema is an extra layer which can allow objects in the database – including tables, views, procedures, etc. – to be separated. They could be used simply to group objects together in a more user-friendly way or they can be […]