SQL Server

SSMS Tip: Saving Schema Changes

When using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) you have the option of creating or maintaining tables via regular SQL DDL statements or you can use the built in Designer tool which provides a GUI interface covering a selection of the same functionality such as adding fields, changing data types, maintaining foreign keys etc. Sometimes the […]

SQL Server

SSMS Tip: Show Table Details

Sometimes when you’re querying a set of data for the first time it can be tricky to understand the results you see. What are the data types? How is the data keyed? Are there any constraints in place? Does the table have foreign keys relating to other tables? So you might then end up scanning […]

T-SQL Tuesday

T-SQL Tuesday #157 – End of Year Activities

This month’s invitation from Garry asks us to talk about what SQL related end of year activities we have to look forward to. Garry has included a few typical DBA examples such as archiving or purging out old data, or updating calendars such as dimension tables or even partition schemes for the new year to come. However […]

SQL Server

Partition Switching in SQL Server

Continuing with our recent theme of partitioning I wanted to make sure that we looked at one of my personal favourite features – Partition Switching. Partition Switching is the ability to switch an entire partition of data from one table to another almost instantly. Where it gets interesting is that this is the same operation […]