
Reviewing SSIS Performance Using the Catalog

I’ve recently been reviewing SSIS packages to make some performance fixes and needed a way to validate the results of those changes. I thought I’d share the scripts as they may be useful for others. Rather than relying on run times from the SQL Agent running the packages I wanted to dive deeper into the […]


Solving Parameter Sniffing with Multiple Execution Plans

Dynamic SQL has many uses and one of these can help us fix Parameter Sniffing issues. Here we’ll look at how it can be used to generate multiple execution plans for the same query. Parameter sniffing is a common issue. Even for simple queries we can run into suboptimal plans being produced. There are multiple ways we […]


Understanding Aggregate Operators

In the last post we looked at how TOP and MAX operators compared. We saw the execution plan for a MAX function used a Stream Aggregate operator which is one of two which we can use for aggregation I wanted to look at the two operators and how they perform the same tasks in different ways. The way they function is key […]


Comparing Performance of TOP vs. MAX

Both TOP (1) and MAX can be used to identify the largest value in a data set. Whilst they get the same result it isn’t necessarily in the same way. Firstly, what is the difference between the two? The TOP clause limits the number of results which are returned from a query, in this instance we’re focussing on a single result. […]


How Effective Indexing Can Avoid Blocking

Blocking in SQL Server will reduce throughput. Excessive blocking can be cause bottlenecks on our environments so helping to mitigate it. Here we’re going back to basics to look at how it happens and how having effective indexes can reduce it. Blocking We’ll start off with an example of blocking. Here’s our customer table and […]


Optimising DISTINCT Clauses using EXISTS

The DISTINCT clause in a query can help us quickly remove duplicates from our results. Sometimes it can be beneficial to stop and ask why. Why do we need to use the clause, why are we receiving duplicates from our data? I see this typically due to a JOIN being used where we don’t really want all of those results. This could […]


Solving Deadlocks with Application Locks

Deadlocks are an enduring feature of SQL Server. They’ve been a source of pain for many over the years and there are various ways to diagnose, mitigate or resolve them. Here I want to demonstrate approach I haven’t seen discussed – using an application lock to segregate processes. An example where I’ve used this effectively […]

T-SQL Tuesday

T-SQL Tuesday #170 – Learning the Hard Way

This month’s invitation from Reitse asks us to talk about learnings from abandoned or failed projects. This one will sit somewhere squarely between those two points. It was an opportunity to learn about scalability. Let’s set the scene. A point of sale system being rolled out across hundreds of physical locations. Transaction data collected each night to […]


A Focus on TRY_PARSE Functionality

In the previous post we looked at the functions TRY_CAST, TRY_CONVERT, and TRY_PARSE and how they compared. I wrapped up and said that my preference for new developments would be to use TRY_PARSE due to the tighter control which it provides us. As with everything in SQL Server however, there is no ‘best’ approach, it depends. I therefore wanted […]


Optimising Sort Operators in Window Functions

We’re on quite a roll with window functions these past few weeks. Last week we looked at the operators we’d see in execution plans when using a window function. This week I wanted to tackle one of the more troublesome ones specifically: the Sort operator. We know that sort operators are expensive in our queries. To use […]