
Effectively Deploying Stored Procedure Changes

If writing code is the meat of our work then then packaging our stored procedures for deployment is the bread and butter to complete the sandwich. Deploying them is key so here we’ll be looking at options for how to effectively script those changes. The specific challenge we’re looking at here is how to change […]


More Caring, More Sharing: Handling Datasets within Sessions

When building data solutions we’ll be handling sets of data which may need to be imported, transformed, aggregated or exported amongst other things. With more complex solutions can come a need to share this data between different areas of the process. Last week we looked at being able to share individual values within a session and […]


Sharing is Caring: Exchanging Values within Sessions

When developing application code we may be familiar with exchanging data and objects through the application. This practice is much less common in SQL due to being transactional when we consider application / OLTP workloads. There are however some times when exchanging values between code in the same session which is what we’ll start to […]

SQL Server

SSMS Productivity Boost with Multi Line Editing

One of the most time consuming tasks in Management Studio is repeating the same changes across multiple lines of a query. The answer to this? – Multi Line (or Column Mode) Editing. Here’s a quick post to explain what it is, how to do it, and examples to see it in action. What is multi […]